#vinylvortex @ EFnet stats by defunkt

Statistics generated on Wednesday 10 September 2014 - 11:13:13
During this 3139-day reporting period, a total of 615 different nicks were represented on #vinylvortex.

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Last seenRandom quote
1 _phUzz_461021152228170489130261today"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
2 defunkt37024513640913863388965today"Ok, I was gone one day and someone took my chair; really?????"
3 uu7191965508458686950671yesterday"he's giving a handy in the shitter"
4 __Maad__1110075676240524449636783today"cms: new place will have a garage that fits 2 cars"
5 manda6907019709270192092892 days ago"watching season 1 while packing, started with the binars episode"
6 scrim6478719178401214192yesterday"i guess i'm just a dirty old man or something :)"
7 cms482202631111881867215729yesterday"cars trying to drive the same speed as if everything is fine"
8 chiqy476083210100331005624309239 days ago"need them before santa comes"
9 baulditty4753456161027117502141458 days ago"inquiring minds want to know"
10 XraySpek45102727034241371120697695 days ago"i was supposed to be born to millionaire parents"
11 drstupid376791103714883109035 days ago"so where is the aphex twin album already"
12 LeFreak369566183399110507162751383 days ago"you ahve a regular schedule"
13 puft3410192349831618812007692 days ago"not to nit pick but there are latex primers"
14 Slippy3287816203961803819259326 days ago"so what have you been up to these days linda?"
15 Over_Kill2475853362812526511345320 days ago"i have a copy sitting on my desk"
16 darkreign224901271852571855509696 days ago"big whoop, wanna fight about it?"
17 nvrs127764032791690226801383 days ago"Windows XP: Tokyo DRIFT edition"
18 KarmikJay113958141983291156871273 days ago"eh manda, i'm getting party favorss, later"
19 dzehavi11356887254430334892today"http://www.facebook.com/puretrance"
20 sartre111054472707339645551279 days ago"what if C got preggers and had triplets"
21 immi9807171395130004143782 days ago"nah, just coz its my friend"
22 Aztek8325164576827693143707 days ago"hahah kipper 0wnd minnisoda"
23 chrissy7844309846741289 days ago"yah it's fun.. can't wait to see the movie he was just in."
24 dub077394841523411219181476 days ago"http://www.amirtofangsazan.blogspot.com/"
25 jenn7226905287114548892102 days ago"im going to hump his leg when isee him"

These didn't make it to the top:
SupahDuck (6596) Azumith (5613) Juiced (5213) atomicdee (5189) EnfinitI (4732)
gumbyp00p (3346) LockheedX (3035) Mindgrind (2868) ashee (2425) AKiRA77 (2289)
hanzq (2192) Sick_Boy (2110) trogan (2066) _seibXa_ (1938) sheppard (1915)
[CJ] (1609) ahpook (1602) rainb0w (1405) CHeeZ (1347) elixir (1337)
mueslee (1313) DJSlip (1292) shiloh (1292) [Freak] (1230) t0mm3rz (1215)
asb (1053) Starcor3 (959) Mush (926) Sun1200 (887) meltphace (863)
thoraxe (849) acidblue (818) Korrosiv (694) zang (677) Doug_Hell (520)
Smurf (497) Keiser (497) nxthree (475) Stumpy (462) m0bius (459)
VorTechS (456) illumin8 (447) pierced (442) JumpyOne (432) CoMiX (426)
DH`Vance (426) Brettly (406) krakmonky (364) ra1ndr0p (354) Aielwarrz (354)
xescuy (294) mint (280) jnff (246) Sammael55 (246) `SNUFF (234)
n3mi5y5 (214) Flight` (214) limitless (213) triune (203) clokwork (203)
moore (203) megakill (202) KBlithe (200) Perkeh (184) neo-soul (183)
exT (177) wily (170) Capkirk (169) cut (165) Implicit (154)
KickStart (141) seduxion (140) poodlefuk (131) ChippySi (123) |Dune| (114)
nazca (111) phuz-puft (100) subgirl (99) Paramount (99) buzzbug (90)
carkeys (88) Bangaroo (88) blublu (86) EyEvEE (84) riker (83)
excite (79) hyppy (76) bent_ (75) Rysiek (73) basilisk (71)
_Impact_ (71) m1k3y (67) Dr_Fist (66) DGMage (64) esher (64)
sevensky (58) pic-poc (57) SoulFury (54) rodeoback (54) gman420 (54)
UK7 (53) weepycat (51) ce2- (51) patunia_p (50) Freddddy (49)
jb (49) Hinton (48) |phantom| (48) dragnfly (48) RRiotGrl (48)
BIGups (47) Embelism (47) DaftDust (46) beeblbrox (46) RANCHYJAY (45)
hogballs (45) PLASTERED (44) opdude (44) rinse (44) _Born_ (43)
som` (43) Exhalent (42) Retrieving (40) Astarte (40) Wiper (40)
stetchpad (39) _Push_ (38) starrie (36) cynical (35) monocle (35)
RoboCool (35) BorgTu (34) FP (34) GO-CANADA (34) mmmmmegs (34)
qDotWork (33) earwig (33) ToXiT_PC (31) StrcrAway (30) amie (30)
MR-SEXY (29) urbgurela (29) KidMonkey (29) xtRic8or (28) saltmiser (28)
ninjaspee (27) pizzapipe (27) hinton_ (27) naz (27) pooped_p (27)
Halo_13 (27) ctac69 (26) JOB-BLOW (26) DeArtShow (26) Nixe (26)
cuttysark (26) sc00tz` (25) GostBustr (24) JMcClane (24) _Impact__ (24)
bigtymer- (22) Funk_U (21) me0wth (21) heliOx (21) thoraeus (21)
GOGMAGOG (21) DJ_NaOH (21) Dimweed (21) Nootropic (20) LTB (20)
hotbuns (20) StrcrItG (19) meg (19) Semi-Wet (19) rockjocky (19)
HOCKEYJAI (19) Eustache (19) Hellvis (19) qDot (18) _-4z73K-_ (18)
FluKex (18) digitalMi (18) woaek3 (18) XxxX (18) GODZILLAH (17)
Nate9000 (17) GooLi (17) POLEFOOD (16) fatigued (16) Keiser- (16)
WetWetWet (15) znf (15) KetzApS (15) shootem_p (15) triunewrk (15)
Nate9000_ (15) Respinder (14) Timer (14) titzo (14) VorTechS_ (14)
Blipvert (13) brandykin (13) Funk_TuP (13) prtybitch (13) ChristaD (13)
vv-ott (12) a- (12) not-jay (12) UASC (12) PIPEFOOD (12)
ca|sC^ (11) beastah (11) puffyeye_ (11) krakodil (11) happy_p (11)
shutup_p (11) DeFault- (11) autoexec_ (11) nukulhed (11) allpuftup (11)
jENAi (11) megs (11) wMug (10) Crayfish (10) phor (10)
mand33 (10) bei34 (10) Kool (9) trog (9) leadpipe (9)
XrayPuft (9) ST-PATTY (9) `mx (9) gb3 (9) GAYCANADA (9)
BobDigi (9) deadman_p (9) Borat (9) samurai__ (9) T-Bone- (9)
Rebelx (9) c1inical (8) ^Sick_Boy (8) kraptik (8) OktoVVemf (8)
warez (8) statswhor (8) scGhoul (8) ReDuX2 (8) DraVen_AF (8)
JibTek (8) nixis (8) leadpipe- (8) FunkYmunk (8) beto21 (8)
gatogato (7) netopier (7) porn (7) LITEOFGOD (7) FISHFOOD (7)
FullTummy (7) StrcrBusy (7) Phuz_Puft (7) jubesmlpe (7) DigiMike (7)
lymbz (7) endure_p (7) Shepmob (7) mochick (7) gayluver (7)
aznboi-q (7) maadsucks (7) cs230136 (7) Frodo30 (7) REDwine_ (6)
Diamondba (6) jnglbunny (6) suprbowl (6) KB-hookah (6) KB-baked (6)
Expired_ (6) stpyellng (6) payl[osx] (6) avenger61 (6) Tobman (6)
Ntone (6) DeadTired (6) man-d (6) nickDaDic (6) iamgay (6)
[12chan] (6) mizzy___ (6) gizzzy__ (6) freeek (6) Sasso_MTL (6)
_DING (6) vance`weg (6) the_ (5) jenfer (5) mistung (5)
_Ding_ (5) TerrorBit (5) cusswords (5) cons_wrk (5) Rensance (5)
ppppp (5) dYsLexIc (5) stumpyAFK (5) words (5) Ingo (5)
[[2008]] (5) Freddy11 (5) sickbeatz (5) skatoochi (5) `pamela (4)
eminent- (4) dedgirl (4) SunYo (4) retards (4) nonpareil (4)
`tr4nce (4) speed-DSL (4) Xpect69 (4) nodns (4) lukeD (4)
StrcrSlpn (4) fei_star (4) airwave` (4) dfsdfsdfs (4) hax0rz (4)
bUrpGuN (4) beeblebro (4) Frodo30a (4) el_Capita (4) supagreen (4)
springer (4) fUngLejNk (4) Azy (4) _you (4) jnglbnny (4)
name (4) horribly (4) jenz_ergh (4) fatboy (4) RobInCIBC (4)
FPnothere (3) memnon (3) LeGrrrr (3) LainWired (3) GrampaClo (3)
gtib (3) DanLee|N3 (3) samurai_ (3) c-n0te (3) daftaway (3)
Alex-Meow (3) hatred- (3) sir_real (3) ivahezd (3) _Bush (3)
TossSalad (3) MULEDICK (3) starbucks (3) shadowfax (3) porn- (3)
eazye_p (3) maneki (3) niggers (3) sp0rk_ (3) fierut (3)
a3dcc (3) PluG| (3) [rigel] (3) Poopey (3) jenzzine (3)
GD_Stumpy (3) yourmama (3) Xpanshun (3) male36 (3) TiKiGoD (3)
neocreep (3) [Creeper] (3) itis (3) AMurphy (3) DJ_NaOH_ (3)
dr\gonz0 (2) Sasser (2) fugz (2) BAGELBOY (2) krbyn (2)
Johnny (2) Terje|Bak (2) away_dee (2) `Apoc` (2) El-Boyo (2)
N__ (2) X-FaDeR22 (2) vv_dot_co (2) Pooba (2) Respinda (2)
DjSpoonz (2) trouble (2) eM_eS_Kay (2) t3chn0s1s (2) sk8rchick (2)
axon_ (2) Dead- (2) dvv (2) uticks (2) die___ (2)
mean- (2) perma (2) LeeLee (2) lucus (2) adamblows (2)
kungfoo (2) karmiceat (2) r_kelly (2) ToXiT (2) ahfskjhfs (2)
tritech (2) arthurdj (2) StrcrSlp (2) zi (2) NAZIY2K (2)
^Kikst^ (2) Iticks (2) mizzy__ (2) refujee (2) gifti (2)
funnybunn (2) DukVonPat (2) StrcrWork (2) Frankie_W (2) sunzilla (2)
Randdr (2) YeahIMmax (2) metryujc (2) NestoJone (2) djm- (2)
THERIAA (2) RebelXP (2) kiwiboy (2) warez- (2) your-an-8 (2)
foldtest (2) CRABSALAD (2) MUSHI (2) _Jungle_ (2) TECHTYRAN (2)
maxwater (2) maGe`- (2) __Cori__ (2) SwatmonkY (2) AdyMakke (1)
Looking (1) ohio (1) iluvmen (1) imdone (1) Kipper (1)
tylerholl (1) Bizounne (1) clone11 (1) Pimp_Dadd (1) Lee|oo (1)
DIE_ (1) AKiRANiNJ (1) cuntbud (1) rrritotgr (1) [gh]-Smur (1)
/me: (1) SimpsonsB (1) Scumfuck (1) VorT|Spin (1) _je2N (1)
Bush-imak (1) def-isgay (1) FP- (1) Kortisin (1) KarnicBED (1)
Impact___ (1) dupa_pupa (1) poonjobby (1) SheGimme (1) Clok11 (1)
_ex_ (1) trahma (1) Grizzlylv (1) sensible_ (1) Vance87 (1)
gyut (1) bigtymer (1) [DoM]mous (1) overkool3 (1) borgafk (1)
Keisbsd (1) [2008] (1) mnafkees (1) opia (1) VVQueen (1)
^_DaG_^ (1) lain_wire (1) stclaire (1) crazygrl (1) Logging (1)
krakfunk (1) coo (1) PhilLatio (1) krakdoor (1) lucasD (1)
pygum (1) PCspkr (1) rasgrumpy (1) iix (1) heliOx_ (1)
]Jc]z-_-Z (1) badassduc (1) oot (1) Wanted (1) MR-TIPSY (1)
overnet (1) CumDumsta (1) Khronos (1) datt (1) eu\Schlae (1)
DJ-Kaiser (1) cherry (1) fucknhell (1) djm (1) linuxgfx (1)
tatung (1) retard_ (1) jhsd873 (1) Nebukadne (1) n3m_away (1)
G0Brazil (1) johnnybgo (1) Oak3nfold (1) Ka|th (1) tortured- (1)
aciddo (1) opie-x (1) Freaaksik (1) ashalicio (1) StepSonic (1)
hel0 (1) ovah (1) fearlab (1) new (1) Manadian (1)
MidEvil (1) muft (1) Dj_DvD (1) qDot- (1) imyta (1)
Bush_Wax (1) Caddie (1) def-sucks (1) StrcrShtn (1) XphuzzPuf (1)
JLymbz (1) mike26 (1) PatTheRat (1) nixx_007 (1) ccliffe (1)
Korrosiv4 (1) flappy (1) o_k_2 (1) yowzaa (1) DjSleek (1)
BURNINATE (1) jennnz (1) Sand (1) yurboytoy (1) nonya (1)
Disco_Inf (1) hearbreak (1) finderz (1) exT613 (1) StrcrGame (1)
PatMAgron (1) gizzy__ (1) fagatron (1) Kazash (1) PipeDream (1)
bata (1) nazGONE (1) __Stoked_ (1) Benton_1 (1) Not (1)

Big numbers
Is Sun1200 stupid or just asking too many questions? 23.7% lines contained a question!
DJSlip didn't know that much either. 18.0% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was chrissy, who yelled 13.8% of the time!
Another old yeller was CHeeZ, who shouted 13.4% of the time!
It seems that LockheedX's shift-key is hanging: 16.3% of the time he wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <LockheedX> MIND CONTROL

scrim just forgot to deactivate his Caps-Lock. He wrote UPPERCASE 15.9% of the time.
LeFreak is a very aggressive person. She attacked others 24 times.
For example, like this:
     * LeFreak slaps UU7 around a bit with a large trout

puft can't control his aggressions, either. He picked on others 24 times.
Poor drstupid, nobody likes him. He was attacked 39 times.
For example, like this:
     * LeFreak- beats you over the head with a newspaper

uu7 seems to be unliked too. He got beaten 32 times.
AKiRA77 brings happiness to the world. 14.4% lines contained smiling faces. :)
_seibXa_ isn't a sad person either, smiling 12.6% of the time.
shiloh seems to be sad at the moment: 3.6% lines contained sad faces. :(
dzehavi is also a sad person, crying 2.5% of the time.
Mush wrote the longest lines, averaging 75.7 letters per line.
#vinylvortex average was 30.0 letters per line.
trogan wrote the shortest lines, averaging 15.9 characters per line.
ashee was tight-lipped, too, averaging 17.3 characters.
_phUzz_ spoke a total of 2663902 words!
_phUzz_'s faithful follower, defunkt, didn't speak so much: 1890197 words.
hatred- wrote an average of 25.00 words per line.
Channel average was 5.39 words per line.

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 party 31390 scrim
2 FUCKING 12687 _phUzz_
3 hahaha 10413 defunkt
4 should 10079 defunkt
5 people 9147 defunkt
6 james 9035 defunkt
7 still 8810 _phUzz_
8 really 8680 defunkt
9 where 8203 _phUzz_
10 ######################################## 8034 scrim

Other interesting numbers
_phUzz_ wasn't very popular, getting kicked 492 times!
For example, like this:
     *** _phUzz_ was kicked by UU7__

defunkt seemed to be hated too: 315 kicks were received.
uu7 is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 526 people!
uu7's faithful follower, DJCid, kicked about 282 people.
defunkt donated 4785 ops in the channel...
_phUzz_ was also very polite: 2496 ops from him.
_phUzz_ is the channel sheriff with 129 deops.
defunkt deoped 118 users.
_phUzz_ always lets us know what he's doing: 7859 actions!
For example, like this:
     * _phUzz_ @_phUzz_ np: Supertramp - It's Raining Again [04:25m/320kbps/44100kHz]

Also, defunkt tells us what's up with 4920 actions.
defunkt talks to himself a lot. He wrote over 5 lines in a row 11235 times!
Another lonely one was _phUzz_, who managed to hit 8197 times.
uu7 couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 4850 joins during this reporting period!
GODZILLAH has quite a potty mouth. 13.0% words were foul language.
GooLi also makes sailors blush, 6.9% of the time.

Latest Topics
<_phuzzz_> it makes e=mc^2 look like a recommendation 40 days ago at 08:17 by scrim
<_phUzz_> i like stinky cheese 51 days ago at 14:51 by defunkt
<defunkt> the firestorm is off and running 79 days ago at 15:24 by scrim
The topic was set 2399 times.
Total number of lines: 1897198.

Stats generated by pisg v0.73
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 01 minutes and 39 seconds